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8 July 2012 - New server and new Forum !

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Messages - mpea

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Mida Pro 4.52 error
« on: November 05, 2015, 03:43:02 am »
Thank you so much.  I will check for the e-mail again to upgrade and see if that fixes the error.

General Discussion / Mida Pro 4.52 error
« on: November 04, 2015, 12:56:50 pm »
When I try converting my vcl to firemonkey with mida pro 4.52, the conversion appears to work successfully.  However, if I try to open a converted form in XE7 or XE10, I get a message saying  "Error = expected in line 144 or some other number" - typically, the line number referred to is either blank or would not have any code where an = sign would be expected.  Thoughts on what may be causing this?   If I am a registered user of 4.52 pro, is there an easy way to upgrade to 5.2 pro or do I have to pay the full purchase price again?

General Discussion / Installing the Mida Pack and Mida Pro in XE7
« on: March 08, 2015, 05:21:54 pm »
Question 1: I purchased Mida Pro.   How do install the mida pack in XE7 - I need to use the speedbutton and imagebutton, but cannot get them to install in XE7 - step by step directions would be helpful.

Question 2: I am able to launch the Mida Pro standalone program, but if I launch Mida from the tools menu in Delphi XE7, only the Mida basic shows up - how do I get the Mida Pro to launch from the tools menu in XE7?

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