
How to buy Mida

Always updated

To order Mida you have two choice: Always Updated or Only 12 months

Price without local tax


€ 120

Simple VCL to FireMonkey conversion only



VCL To Fmx and Custom Conversion


€ 399

VCL To Fmx Custom Conversion, advanced feature, 2 licenses

Only 12 months

To order Mida you have two choice: Always Updated or Only 12 months Price without local tax

€ 120

Simple VCL to FireMonkey conversion only


€ 240

VCL To Fmx and Custom Conversion


€ 399

VCL To Fmx Custom Conversion, advanced feature, 2 licenses
Mida Pro upgrade to Mida Studio

€ 61

You must already have an active license of the Mida Pro
Mida Studio

Include VCL to VCL conversion, Total Conversion, Mobile iOS-iPad Pack ( Seattle/Berlin/Tokyo/Rio/Studio 11.x/12.x only ) , Mobile Android ( Seattle/Berlin/Tokyo/Rio only ), VCL To IntraWeb, Report Conversion and source code of Mida Pack for FireMonkey

Mida Studio Plus

Include new VCL to VCL conversion, Total Conversion, Mobile iOS-iPad Pack ( Seattle/Berlin/Tokyo/Rio/Studio 11.x/12.x only ) , Mobile Android ( Seattle/Berlin/Tokyo/Rio only ), VCL To IntraWeb, Report Conversion and source code of Mida Pack for FireMonkey and...
- New Sub / Multi Directory conversion support
- New Script file for automatic conversion ( one click )
- New Advanced setting
- N. 2 licenses


The license is related to the PC ( n. 1 Operating System ) where Mida is installed. Mida Pro and Studio require an internet connection
With the license is obtained n. 1 year with updates and support.
At the end you can extend support with about 30-40% of the cost of the base license for every year.
For more licenses contact
In case of problems with the email above you can use this email


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Compare Mida version

VCL To VCL conversion New 5.5
Third-party components are converted and removed, useful for FreePascal and Lazarus too

Convert standard Embarcadero components
Convert TButton,TEdit,TPanel,TPageControl... in FireMonkey component

Convert hundreds of components of Third Party (TMS,JVCL,DevExp,Raize,BSF...)
for example Mida automatically converts TMS TAdvPanel to FireMonkey TPanel

Total conversion - not only FireMonkey 4.0
Convert a set of components in others,visual and not, a DB pack in another

Mobile Conversion for iOS and Android( VCL Desktop To Tablet ) 4.0
You can to convert your VCL project to iPad or Nexus Tablet for example

Delphi iOS Native Components TMS iCL ( VCL Desktop To Tablet ) 4.0
Convert VCL project to Mobile FMX using new native TMS components pack for iOS

Delphi iOS Native Components D.P.F. ( VCL Desktop To Tablet ) 4.0
Convert VCL project to Mobile FMX using new native free D.P.F. components pack for iOS

Custom conversion for your Components ( VCL To FireMonkey ) 
For example convert your VCL component TMyButton in TButton, class and property

Script file support for automatic conversion New 5.0
With Mida Studio PLUS run Mida with parameter and config file
Sub / Multi Directory support New 5.0
With Mida Studio PLUS you can indicate more directory for conversion
License N. New 5.0
With Mida Studio PLUS get 2 PC licenses on two different PC
Advanced conversion Setting (VCL to FMX ) New 5.0
With Mida Studio PLUS you can turn on and off, accurately, each group of components
Mida Pack for FireMonkey 
Small set of FMX component (TImageButton,TImageSpeedButton) with image support

Mida Pack for FireMonkey - Source
Full source code is included

Tables with Class conversion Online
Always updated

StyleBook ( Font color, background color, font name )
Great quality conversion with Text color,Background color, font name...

LiveBindings Basic
Autocreate simple visual components connects to DataSource ( TDbEdit.. )

LiveBindings Advanced
Autocreate complex visual components connects to DataSource ( TDbLookUpComboBox.. )

Pascal and C++ Source Code converter ( Developers Code)
Upgrade your code for FireMonkey (where possible)

Image converter
FMX Image format is different, convert your TImage png, jpg..

Report Conversion
QuickReport to FastReport FMX

Mida Application
Mida Basic is a Plugin-IDE, Pro/Studio is application

Email Support


For any question contact sale support at