
Frequently Asked Questions


What are the differences between Mida Basic, Pro and Studio, Studio PLUS versions?

Click this link for a comparison table of the 4 versions.

Is there anything that Mida handles in Delphi but not in C++ or vice versa?


Can Mida handle project groups, or just one project at a time?

Only one project at a time in a single directory (sub-directories in Mida Studio Plus).

Can Mida handle Delphi 7 source ?

Yes, Mida support very old IDE but for support only XE8 / Berlin / Tokyp / Rio

How work Mida Activation? Mida License is linked to hardware PC ?

Click this link for more info

Total Conversion

Can to convert a set of components without using FireMonkey?

Yes, Mida Studio have support to “Total Conversion”, Click this link for more info

What are the typical conversions supported by Mida Studio with Total Conversion?

VCL to IntraWeb or change database component like : dbIsam to EDB or AnyDac to FireDac or BDE To FireDac

Can Mida handle TMS components and any other 3rd party sets?

Mida Pro and Studio support hundreds of 3rd party components. Many of these such as TcxPageControl from DevExpress are converted into a different FireMonkey component which performs the same function.

Does Mida support all databases that are supported by FireMonkey?


Is Mida optimized in particular ways for different databases?

Yes, if Mida recognizes the presence of some components of the database it performs a specific conversion improving the quality of the conversion. It will add the specific library unit required for the database.
The set of components are recognized by Mida are :
– ClientDataSet – Embarcadero – InterBase – Elevate Software – DBISAM 4.x – Elevate Software – EDB 2.x – NexusDB More soon ..

Can Mida handle TeeChart?


Can Mida handle TLabeledEdit?

Yes, Mida has specific procedures for the conversion of TLabeledEdit. The name of the original component is given to the new TEdit, while the new TLabel receives a sub-name.

Can Mida handle TPageControl?

Yes Mida supports many variants of TPageControl. TPageControl, TcxPageControl, and TAdvPageControl are converted into a FireMonkey TabControl while the TTabSheet, TcxTabSheet, and TAdvTabSheet are converted into a FireMonkey TTabItem.

Can Mida handle TRadioButton, TGroupBox, and TRadioGroup?

TGroupBox, Yes.
TRadioGroup, No, as an equivalent component is missing in FireMonkey and so instead it is converted into a TPanel.

Can Mida handle TTabbedNotebook?

No, as an equivalent component is missing in FireMonkey. In future versions of Mida it will be converted into TTabControl and TTabItem controls.

If I want to convert a component, not supported by Mida, for example TRadioGroup, can I convert it into a FireMonkey component?

Yes, see Mida page : Custom components With Mida Pro and Studio you can specify or change the internal conversion table. There you can indicate the source and destination class (i.e. TRadioGroup -> TMYFmxRadioGroup ) and you can also specify the properties name conversion (i.e. Caption -> Text ).

Can Mida handle TMainMenu and TPopupMenu?


Can Mida handle File Open and Save Dialog?


Can Mida handle TImageList?

No. Unfortunately, the equivalent ImageList logic is missing in FireMonkey. To reduce the aesthetic problem in the buttons Mida can convert it to TImageButton (in the Mida Pack).

YES, from Mida 5 you can convert your VCL TImageList / TPNGImageList to XE8 FMX TImageList

Can Mida handle TSplitter?


Can Mida handle TActionList?

From XE4 IDE, Yes it is full support

What happens with ActiveX and COM controls?

Mida does not make any changes to these controls.

How work Custom Conversion order ( VCL To Fmx )?

> 1) Before Mida apply internal conversion (more of 200 components )
> 2) then, Mida apply Custom Conversion


In the conversion table, I see entries like StyleBook, LiveBindings Basic and Advanced, Pascal Source Code Converter, Image Converter, Mida Application, what do they mean?


The VCL framework includes style information such as fonts, TPanels, and backgrounds in each component. For example a TLabel would include the font size, name, and color. The FireMonkey framework uses a Stylebook technique where all component style information for a form is contained in a stylesbook for that form rather than in each component. Mida Pro and Studio seamlessly and automatically moves the VCL style information into the new FireMonkey stylebook on each form saving you from having to manually cut and paste this information from each component.

LiveBindings Basic and Advanced

FireMonkey does not have DataAware components. It instead uses a LiveBindings technique. For example Mida converts TDBEdit components to a TEdit and then sets up the LiveBinding to the component. Mida creates components like TBindingsList and TBindScopeDB to get the connection to the database field and creates the rules (link) to bind the TEdit component to the new database field.

Mida Basic creates these links only for simple components such as TDBEdit , TDBText etc. Mida Pro and Studio add support for more complex components such as TDbLookUpComboBox.

Pascal and C++ Source Code Converter

Mida Pro and Studio are able to analyze and update source code in Delphi Pascal and C++ fixing code which is not compatible with FireMonkey. This saves you the difficulty of searching and replacing code which is often not easy to find or do.

The following code while valid in VCL does not run in the FireMonkey framework.

Image Converter

Mida automatically converts the class TImage. Mida Pro and Studio also converted the contents (PNG, JPG, BMP…)

Mida Application

Mida Basic is a plug-in installed in the Delphi/C++Builder IDE menus.
Mida Pro and Studio are each standalone applications( Mida.exe).


What are the main differences between Mida Studio and Mida Studio PLUS?

Script file support for automatic conversion
In Mida Studio PLUS sub directory “SCRIPTS”, you can found MultiPath_example.ini, a text file like this:







Script file work fine for VCL to Fmx conversion and other conversion ( vcl to IW , database conversion…)

You can create more configuration file for different conversion.

Example of launch:

Mida.exe /config:C:\Mida\Scripts\MultiPath_no_image_conv.ini

Sub / Multi directory conversion
In Mida Studio PLUS, sub directory “SCRIPTS” you can found MultiPath_example.ini , here you can indicate

your path for conversions. [Mida_Path] section.

Advanced conversion Setting (VCL to FMX )
With Mida Studio PLUS you can turn on and off, accurately, each group of components

(DevExpress, TMS ..) for greater management when using the
“Custom Conversion”, for example.

If you have preparate a your full list of conversion table ( class VCL > Class FMX )

you could have any problems when Mida convert automatically internal table conversion.

For example:

In custom Conversion you have indicate TcxSpeedButton > TMYFMXSpeedButton

With default setting Mida convert automatically TcxSpeedButton > TSpeedButton.

Here your role of C.C. don’t work, Mida don’t found TcxSpeedButton.

For resolve it, Open Mida in Option page > Class Conversion > Advanced setting

and disable “DevExpress Pack”.

2 Licenses
Mida Studio Plus, is a 1+1 licenses, for example 1 office + 1 house , 2 office on 2 different pc.

The 2 Licenses must appear at the same company.The second license is not transferable.